Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Dyablo Hunter

Welcome to the Web3 race! In the beginning, the web was made up of static websites that could only be read. But as technology evolved, some companies raced to enable users to publish their own content, making the internet more interactive.

That's amazing. Do you think you can add more sounds to the app?

I enjoy the copy pasta sound when I copy a username from someone's profile.

Yes we can do that.

All suggestions are welcome.

should we also add sent / received / seen status and timestamps?

Welcome to the Web3 race! In the beginning, the web was made up of static websites that could only be read. But as technology evolved, some companies raced to enable users to publish their own content, making the internet more interactive.

That's amazing. Do you think you can add more sounds to the app?

I enjoy the copy pasta sound when I copy a username from someone's profile.

Yes we can do that.

All suggestions are welcome.

should we also add sent / received / seen status and timestamps?

Welcome to the Web3 race! In the beginning, the web was made up of static websites that could only be read. But as technology evolved, some companies raced to enable users to publish their own content, making the internet more interactive.

That's amazing. Do you think you can add more sounds to the app?

I enjoy the copy pasta sound when I copy a username from someone's profile.

Yes we can do that.

All suggestions are welcome.

should we also add sent / received / seen status and timestamps?

Welcome to the Web3 race! In the beginning, the web was made up of static websites that could only be read. But as technology evolved, some companies raced to enable users to publish their own content, making the internet more interactive.

That's amazing. Do you think you can add more sounds to the app?

I enjoy the copy pasta sound when I copy a username from someone's profile.

Yes we can do that.

All suggestions are welcome.

should we also add sent / received / seen status and timestamps? Also, how about adding online and away status small circles with simple colors for more info.

Lucian Apetrei @lucianape3

Creator of Worlds
All posts are public.
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Lucian Apetrei

Creator of butterflies Level 69





Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now


Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

We're building it. Will you come?

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

This dApp decentralizes the entire wealth of all its users and constantly redistributes it accross itself, organically. This is true equity. This is turning the wealth gap into a more balanced wealth distribution for humanity. This is the opposite of hierarchy and chaos, it's democracy and unity. This is Web 3 content on a Web 3 network, because Web 2 is Game Over. This is where progress, unity and collaboration is the rule of law along side the well known "code is law" declaration. This is where greed, indecency and manipulation are shot down in real time, through the will of the active and responsible majority. Tools like categorizing, curating and reporting are simple buttons under every post, at one touch away. Posts that are illegal will be taken down by users, just like your anti-bodies take down viruses. It's beyond censorship, where the people of each country and community are their own curators and gain reputation, they can collectively curate anything and everything published in their countries and communities. This is giving the say back to the people, this is finally a true democracy, where wealth and exposure are shared fairly, or as some on the other side would say, equal power and influence. Advertising is not the only thing we are decentralizing. Amazing benefits for users of this dApp: • User Registration Reward (You get free tokens on signup) • User Referral Reward (You get free tokens for each friend you onboard) • User Personal data privacy • User Ownership • User Curating • User Governing • User Finance • User Crowd-funding • User Communication • User Gamification • Leveling up system with achievements, titles and more power to you The more time you spend on this dApp, the more network and financial value you get.

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

Influencers and creative people will love this platform.

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

We are the end of "Social" Media and the beginning of Web 3.

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

[ ! ] First I should make clear that we develop and release software that must abide by the connecting principles: • DECENTRALIZED CODE (OPEN SOURCE GPL 3.0). • DECENTRALIZED INFRASTRUCTURE. • DECENTRALIZED BUSINESS MODELS. • NEVER USE DARK PATTERN DESIGN. • THE BIOSPHERE HAS PRIORITY OVER TECHNOLOGY. ☯︎ Our mission with this project is to help users gain a lot of value quickly and let them keep half of it, while enabling them to distribute the other half to others, unlike "Social" media platforms where users are prisoners in echo chambers and filter bubbles and they are considered a resource to be exploited in numerous ways. We will actually give them value, not take it from them. Our filters will be tools not baits and our recommendations will come from each other, not from algorithms. We are doing our best to help people be more productive and at the same time find what they came for quickly.

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

You form a persona, a character to cope with trauma when you are a child. After you go through the period of your life called School where you are beaten down, filtered and programmed to become what Society calls an "adult" - you keep carrying that persona with you, even though your life has changed dramatically and don't need it anymore. The hardest thing for humans is to manage themselves. Overcoming the human condition means to constantly remember to review your character in different situations that trigger powerful emotions for you. You might not need that character anymore. Re-inventing or re-descovering yourself is a wonderful experience. Don't be attached to the past, to who you were. That chapter is over. Write a new one.

Lucian Apetrei @lucian

Creator of FreeHumans.World | Just now

Duality, Yin and Yang, is a very simple notion or life view. It means that you have to abide by 50% mental effort and 50% physical effort. Living in an extreme for more than a few hours or even a few days, where 99% of one carries the other means imbalance, it means blockage, no direction, no space for movement, no progress, no quality of life, it means suffering. If you want to have a good life, no matter what yours is, 50% of the job must be done through mind exercise and the other half must be done by physical exercise. If you do no discipline the body and you do not move it every day, your mind destroys your body with unruly and destructive habits. If you do too much physical activity and leave no space for thinking, your body suffocates your mind with addictions, an artificial-chemical alternative (physical consumption) to what chemicals created by our brain through Real Life social interaction are for. Duality means to compromise, to give both half of your energy. That's when you control your life and become a processor of situations, instead of allowing life to make you it's victim and making you react emotionally to every situation, which is very toxic for you and everyone around you.

Games Funny DIY Health
The Sword of a Thousand Truths Legendary One-Handed Sword Item Level 1000 Binds when aquired

Unique-Equipped: Truthbearer's Embrace

Damage: 250-500

Speed: 2.0

Strength: +150

Intellect: +100

Versatility: +80

Critical Strike: +50

Mastery: +30

Equip: Unveils the hidden truths, allowing the wielder to see through illusions and disguises.

Equip: Reality Sunder - Your attacks have a chance to rend the fabric of reality, dealing additional damage and temporarily lowering magical defenses.

Use: Wisdom's Resonance - Unleash the wisdom stored within the sword, increasing your intellect and insight by 200% for 20 seconds.

Made by: @lucianape3

"Forged in the fires of ancient wisdom, this legendary sword reveals the truths that lie hidden. Wield it with caution, for the burden of knowledge is heavy, and only the worthy shall embrace its power."